So this is permanence, love's shattered pride
What once was innocence, turned on its side
Grey cloud hangs over me, marks every move
Deep in the memory of what once was love
Oh how I realised how I wanted time
Put into perspective, tried so hard to find
Just for one moment I thought I'd found my way
Destiny unfolded - I watched it slip away
Excessive flashpoints, beyond all reach
Solitary demands for all I'd like to keep
Let's take a ride out, see what we can find
A valueless collection of hopes and past desires
I never realised the lengths I'd have to go
All the darkest corners of a sense I didn't know
Just for one moment I heard somebody call
Looked beyond the day in hand - there's nothing there at all
Now that I've realised how it's all gone wrong
Got to find some therapy, this treatment takes too long
Deep in the heart of where sympathy held sway
Got to find my destiny before it gets too late
What once was innocence, turned on its side
Grey cloud hangs over me, marks every move
Deep in the memory of what once was love
Oh how I realised how I wanted time
Put into perspective, tried so hard to find
Just for one moment I thought I'd found my way
Destiny unfolded - I watched it slip away
Excessive flashpoints, beyond all reach
Solitary demands for all I'd like to keep
Let's take a ride out, see what we can find
A valueless collection of hopes and past desires
I never realised the lengths I'd have to go
All the darkest corners of a sense I didn't know
Just for one moment I heard somebody call
Looked beyond the day in hand - there's nothing there at all
Now that I've realised how it's all gone wrong
Got to find some therapy, this treatment takes too long
Deep in the heart of where sympathy held sway
Got to find my destiny before it gets too late
(24 hours)
O filme tem a melhor fotografia que alguma vez vi (e da qual me lembro) e, obviamente, a melhor banda sonora do mundo ou nao fosse sobre o Ian Curtis / Joy Division. Enquanto filme-objecto-de-cinema nao consigo dizer se e bom ou nao porque, depois de ler o livro no qual se baseou e de ver vezes sem conta o 24hr Party People, procuro no ecran aspectos e ideias que, se calhar, o realizador nao achou importante focar. Enquanto filme-sobre-o-Ian-Curtis pareceu-me que a degradacao da personagem nao foi suficientemente focada, deixando por vezes a ideia de que o maior dos problemas que ele tinha era lidar com a fama. Outro aspecto que passou um pouco ao lado do filme foi a influencia que todo o ambiente depressivo da Great Manchester teve sobre ele e o grupo. Ainda assim, excelente.
5 Noitibós:
Como diria alguém que eu conheço: 'Ora, ora...' esperavas outra coisa de um senhor como o Anton Corbijn?
De facto ele estava la a tirar fotos quando tudo aconteceu.. muitas responsabilidades na fotografia que acabam por desculpar alguma ma gestao dos actores.
Nice post! Gostei..
Será que passa cá por Coimbra?...
Se te portares bem e 5 planetas do nosso sistema solar se alinharem num só instante talvez passe...
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